
Learn to ski the easy way

With the short ski method


Ski Courses for 2025 are full and closed. We are now seeking new email addresses for adults wanting to start learning to ski in January 2026. You will start getting Information about our 2026 Adult ski courses after you add parallel_skiing@gmx.com and explicitly confirm to parallel_skiing@gmx.com what you did. Our next adult InfoEve will be in Oct2025 and will be announced about a week in advance. You must attend an InfoEve to get into the ski course and because the demand for our adult ski course is so insane, it is difficult to get a slot at an InfoEve. To get a slot, you must be among the first ones to reply to one of our InfoEve announcements.

Our beginner ski course for children, Skikurse für Kinder in München, Kinderskikurs München is  28-29Dec 2025 and again 21-22Feb 2026. To attend the Skikurs Kinder München you must first attend BambinoBootfitting. You will signup for Bambinobootfitting by replying to the Bambino Bootfitting Announcement  email at the beginning of February.  If you are not yet on the list to receive BambinoBootfitting Announcement send us an email or leave us a message on our Contact Parallel Skiing Munich page confirming that you added parallel_skiing@gmx.com to your contacts list on the website of your email provider. You confirm by telling parallel_skiing@gmx.com in an email what you did. That is the only way that you can receive the BambinoBootfitting announcement. 


Parallel Skiing

Ski Course in English with  Short Ski Method

  • Want to learn to ski?
  • Expat in Munich, Bavaria?
  • Looking for English-speaking ski lessons?
  • Or German wanting to learn to ski and improve your English?
  • You have a fear of skiing and have given up at learning to ski?

Parallel Skiing's adult beginner ski courses are the answer. They take place over the first 6 weekends of the new year, leaving from Munich and skiing at the best ski resorts for beginners in Austria. The ski courses use the Short Ski Method, or graduated length method, which means in just three weekends adult beginners move from never having worn skis on their first day of lessons to skiing confidently with parallel turn around the whole mountain on the sixth day of lessons.


With short skis and the graduated length method you learn direct parallel turn from the first day, and so you never need to unlearn the snow plough. How Ken Lawler happened upon the graduated length method from Martin Puchtler at the Skischule Nordbayern.

At Parallel Skiing everything is organized for you:

  • transport from Munich
  • lodging
  • ski equipment
  • ski passes
  • ski lessons

Before you come to any of our Ski courses you must come to one of our scheduled InfoEves for bootfitting and signing up for specfic weekend ski courses. We offer ski courses; we do not hire skiing gear out and we don't  just organise ski trips.

Skikurse für Kinder München

If you are interested in Skikurse für Kinder in und um München we also have Kids Ski Course Munich for kindergarten age, bzw. KinderSkikurs München fürs Kindergarten-alter, or Skikurs für Kinder Muenchen in December and February which use extremely short skis and use the parents in the ski course, ElternKind-Skikurs. We have no ski courses at which the parents and the kids learn to ski at the same time. We don't take kids to the adult ski course weekends. We don't offer private lessons; we need all of our ski instructors for our group ski courses.

If you are wondering whether your child is old enough for our ski course, click into Skikurs für Kinder ab wann? to find three simple criteria to use to decide.


Contact Parallel Skiing München today to join our mailing list..

Direct Parallel Turn from the Beginning

Direct Parallel Turn for First Time Beginners

 What our students say...

I am currently holidaying in Canada and stood on my skis for the first time yesterday since the class (about a year ago by now).

I was convinced that I wouldn't remember anything after such a long time, being someone who doesn't have the best control over my body.

But thanks to your unique teaching technique everything came back to me within minutes, I remembered all the funny exercises (the duck, pissing on the pole) and I was back to the same level of skiing that I had when I left your class!

After this experience I just had to write you to thank you for the fun ski weekends and everything I got to learn at the parallel skiing class. I could not have learned skiing a better way and am so glad that I took your course.

I recommend your class whenever I can and I hope that you get more and more people using your short ski technique to learn how to ski in an easy way.

Thanks to you and to all your ski instructors


It was a great experience learning to ski from you and your team.

Compared to snowboarding, it was a walk in the park, but I am pretty sure that this was possible because of the great teachers I had. I do hope you will continue doing this course and I will gladly encourage other people I know to join your lessons.


Jessica, an expat in Munich from Australia, was not the most sporty but she learned with us and blogged about direct parallel turn with Parallel Skiing's version of the graduated length method.

Read her story of how she became quite the athelete by the end of the ski course.


Jessica, Australia

Easily the best thing I've done since moving to Munich

Stefanie K

Parallel skiing is not great, it's awesome.

Rafael, Brazil

Or If you are afraid to learn to ski, read this blog from Isil who took four  weekend courses in 2015-2016 and tells how she is conquering fear of skiing. It includes a candid running commentary of her experience in the ski courses. Now she has a new blog for expats in Munich, movetomunich.com, and one of her first posts is Learn Skiing in Munich in which she tells about ski lessons at Parallel Skiing.

Isil, Turkey

I took three of your weekend courses and it was the most fun I ever had. One of the top 10 things you should do before you die.


For more great feedback check out these threads on toytowngermany.com


Maryland came only to one weekend ski course in 2016 but is already singing praises to Parallel Skiing in her blog about her adventures. She returns to finish her ski course in the 2017 Season.


Hi Ken,

I have a personal blog about my adventures, and I recently wrote about the things I did to survive my first winter in Munich. And one of the things I did (and I am really happy that I did it) was to learn how to ski. Thanks to Parallel Skiing Munich for the amazing experience! I am enrolling again this year to improve and to finish my third weekend. I cannot wait to ski with you guys soon.


